Zopiclone Withdrawal

  • Oct 10, 2022
  • By: buyzopiclone.com
Zopiclone Withdrawal

Sleep disorders are becoming increasingly common, and with more people missing out on a much-needed rest at the end of the day, the effects of sleep loss are having more impact than ever. According to recent government data, in 2017 alone there were an estimated 91,000 accidents involving drowsy drivers, leading to nearly 800 deaths and 50,000 injuries. With data like that, it is no wonder so many people have started to use zopiclone sleeping pills to ensure they get their 40 winks after a long day.

So, what is zopiclone? It is actually exactly the same medication as a more well-known brand called Zimovane, it is just that it is an off-brand version available at much lower prices. These medications are sedative/hypnotics that make it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep for the full duration of a cycle. Z-class medications such as these function by modulating the GABAA receptors in the brain, essentially controlling the release and reception of calming neurochemicals that induce sleep and have anxiolytic effects.

What are the Zimovane Withdrawal Symptoms?

Any medication that is used long-term comes with the potential for developing dependence and as a consequence, there is a chance of experiencing symptoms of withdrawal when stopping treatment with zopiclone. The effects of stopping this medication vary depending on the user and the length of treatment but often include a number of common occurrences. The following list includes some of the most frequently experienced symptoms of zopiclone withdrawal:

  • Rebound insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Diarrhoea
  • Fatigue
  • Restlessness

There are ways of managing zopiclone use that reduce the potential for experiencing withdrawal at the end of a treatment cycle and we will go into more detail about that later in the article. It goes without saying that misuse of this substance can significantly impact the likelihood of negative outcomes and dependency. To see a full list of withdrawal symptoms, refer to the Patient Information Leaflet that can be found on this website, or speak with a doctor.

How to Manage Zopiclone Withdrawal Symptoms

The best way to avoid forming a dependence on zopiclone tablets is to follow guidelines for use set out by the manufacturer. This will include following a strict treatment schedule that adheres to a 28-day cycle of use, towards the end of which it is advised to start phasing out usage. This can be done by reducing the dose of medication by 25% every third day from the beginning of week 3, leading to a reduced tolerance before the end of the cycle.

However, patients with chronic conditions may need further treatment to keep their insomnia from bouncing back and undoing any progress that has been made. For such patients, it is usually advised to change medication to either a different Z-drug or to a benzodiazepine as the effects are similar and the different chemical makeup prevents dependence on a single medication like zopiclone. Not having medication as the sole focus of a treatment plan is also exceptionally important, whilst using this medication, a patient should also create a sleep hygiene routine.

What is Zopiclone Addiction?

Addiction to this medication is very rare when a schedule of treatment has been followed and there has been no substance misuse leading to abuse. Common characteristics of addiction that may alert an individual or their family to a problem are; not being able to stop use, avoidance of social activities, saving stashes, engaging in risky behaviour, and secrecy or denial. If any of these things become apparent it is suggested to seek medical advice as opposed to trying to go cold turkey as this could lead to further issues.

Medication should not be the only form of treatment when tackling insomnia, SWSD, or anxiety-related sleep conditions. Medication will help bring relief to the symptoms but it will not eradicate the causes. Chronic sleep disorders may need some form of psychotherapy to recover fully. This will generally be supported by the use of a medication like zopiclone and contain a plan to negate the possibility of withdrawal from zopiclone.

Use Zopiclone Safely

To avoid zimovane withdrawal and minimise zopiclone side effects it is advised to take certain things into consideration before starting to use this medication. First of all, people with a history of substance abuse should speak to a medical professional about alternative treatment options available to them. Secondly, making sure the treatment plan has been fully worked out with an option to switch to a different medication at the end of the cycle.

Once it has been decided that this medication is the correct treatment, it is paramount to ensure overuse does not initiate, this can be done by taking notice of the efficacy of the medication. Anybody who notices tolerance building should not start to increase the dosage without first seeking professional expertise. Withdrawal symptoms zopiclone has been assessed by the FDA and approved, which is why it is a frequently prescribed medicine for insomnia around the world.

Overcome Insomnia by Coming Off Zopiclone Naturally

For patients who buy zopiclone through an online pharmacy, it really cannot be expressed enough how important it is to have a treatment plan that incorporates non-medical approaches. Following a plan and keeping track of efficacy changes in a diary will allow a patient to make accurate observations that can be relayed to their network of support easily. Don't be afraid to seek support in combatting a sleep disorder, friends, family, and medical professionals are more supportive than most think.

Zopiclone should be taken in a maximum dose of 7.5 mg unless advised otherwise, this will generally be a single tablet one hour before bedtime. Elderly patients and people starting on this medication are sometimes put on a half dose of 3.75 mg, which may get increased until optimum effect is found. All treatment plans should be re-evaluated on a quarterly basis to make sure progress is being made and the medication is still appropriate.

Work out the best course of treatment for your sleep disorder at www.buyzopiclone.com.

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